Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay

Read fine print warnings found on cell phones and wireless devices here. In fact, commercials for cell phones that fill our airwaves, newspapers and magazines routinely feature young children happily chatting with their phones held smack up against their bodies and brains, and iPads plopped directly over young gonads.

  • Emotional trauma can have severe effects on a child. Besides the psychological effects, trauma can cause changes to the brain, which can affect the child's ability to learn. Learn about the impact of trauma on learning, and accommodations that can help the student.
  • The waves from the mobile phone move to the brain and cause a headache, which may even result in poor memory. A person using their phone too often can develop heart disease. What many people are not aware of is that a person is not only exposed to the dangerous waves when holding the phone but also when the phone is kept near the body.
  • Recent studies report two types of brain cancer may occur – glioma and acoustic neuroma. Apart from cancer risk, mobile phones influence our nervous system with these electromagnetic impulses. Mainly among teenagers, cell phones can cause headaches, decreased attention, shortness of temper, sleep disorders, and depression.
  • No cell phone use at bedtime. Turn the phone off and put it away. Any addiction that triggers a change in brain functioning is going to be difficult to control as long as it’s there at hand.

Trauma is defined by the way a person reacts to events. So a trauma to one person may not be a trauma to another. And some people can cope with the trauma and move forward quickly. Others, though, may not be able to cope.

It is important to remember that some children might see an event as traumatic even when the adults around them do not. For example, after a house fire, adults are busy working with the insurance company and rebuilding. Children only know that their toys and room – the things that made them feel safe – were destroyed.

Any time a child does not feel safe and protected, the event could be seen as a trauma. Because trauma is defined by the person who experiences it, no single list can include all the causes of trauma for children. The following list, though, will explain some of the more common traumas children face.

Surgery or Serious IllnessThe child is in the hospital for a serious illness or surgery.

Accidents The child has experienced an automobile accident, a serious fall or sports injury, a house fire or other major accident that threatens his or her feelings of safety and security.

Constant and Intense Bullying The child is bullied by one or more people over a period of time. The bullies could be classmates, teammates, neighbors or others in the child’s life. Bullying can begin as early as preschool.


Separation from Loved Ones – A child might be separated from loved ones due to military deployment, a divorce, a prison sentence or even removal of a child from home due to an investigation of abuse or neglect.

Natural Disasters A child is affected by a severe event such as a tornado, hurricane, forest fire, flooding.

Emotional Abuse – A parent or other adult in the household often swears at the child, insults the child or humiliates the child. Emotional abuse might include the adult acting in a way that makes the child afraid that he or she might be hurt physically.

Physical Abuse – A parent or other adult in the household often pushes, grabs, slaps or throws something at the child. Physical abuse can also include hitting a child so hard it leaves marks or causes injuries.

Sexual Abuse – Any sexual activity between an adult and a child. Sexual abuse can also occur between children. This sexual activity can include obscene phone calls, fondling, exposure, pornography, prostitution or rape. Specific legal definitions can be found in the Texas Penal Code.

Neglect – The child does not have enough to eat, has to wear dirty clothes and has no one to protect him or her. Parents might be too drunk or high to take care of the child or take the child to the doctor when needed.

Loss/Abandonment – The child loses a biological parent through divorce, abandonment, death or other reason.

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay Example

Isolation within the Family – No one in the family appears to love the child or consider the child to be important or special. The family does not look out for each other, feel close or support each other.

Domestic Violence – Domestic violence is a behavior used by one person in a relationship to gain power over or control the other. Abuse includes physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or wound someone.

Community Violence A child either is hurt by violence or witnesses it. Sometimes a child only needs to hear about violence to experience trauma.


Substance Abuse – Someone in the child’s household abuses alcohol, street drugs or prescription drugs.

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay Sample

OveruseOveruse of cell phones causes trauma in young brains essay example

Mental Illness – Someone in the child’s household is depressed, has another mental illness and/or has attempted suicide.

Terrorism – A child either experiences or hears about terrorism, especially when it happens in a place the child believes should be safe. The child could experience even more traumatic stress if there are children among those who are injured or killed.

Overuse Of Cell Phones Causes Trauma In Young Brains Essay Examples

Flight from Home as a Refugee – A child has been uprooted from home, often after experiencing violence or intense fear of harm.